More Ridiculous...
Woke up pretty late, got a call from John saying he wanted to check out the races. i took too long to get into the city and it was too late for John to go because he had a play to see at 6pm. i decided i might as well go to the finish line again since i came all this way already. When i got behind the art museum...i saw some Drexel rowers riding back. i then figured i should just call someone that would know if the races were still going on. i called Ryan and sure enough, they were over, lemon.
Ryan told me to come over to play Rock Band. i've played Guitar Hero but Rock Band is just a little bit more ridiculous. The only problem was that this Rock Band was on the PS2. At a glance it looks the same as the XBox 360 and PS3 version, but a few features are missing that just make it inferior such as not being able to download new songs.
Other than that it was still pretty fun. Busting out the solo buttons and banging on the drums. Of course i did a horrible job with the foot pedal, and my foot would get tired from holding it up the whole time...but it was fun.
Later some guys from Ryan's boat came over to slowly start pre-gaming for the big Dad Vail Party. Below is Danielle showing Buck Wheat some love...this has to be one of the laziest cats.
At the big party they had a gin bucket, slices of lemons and limes, ice, a handle of lime twisted Seagram's Gin, and three 2 liters of Sierra Mist...pretty good stuff, of course they doubled the recipe for this party.
One of the residents of the house, Rory, on the left...some crazy kid that drew a mustache for the night...
One of the rowers thought it was be a good idea to spray a bottle of champagne in the that was interesting...made the room reek of fermented grape.
Wasn't long until the cops came to break up the party, even i got kicked out because i'm so crazy when i'm sober and can't talk. It wasn't even that late, only 12:30 am and i had no where to go. Ryan ditched me and no one was answer my phone calls. i chilled with Terry for a bit but he soon bounced and i had to walk the 8 blocks to my car through West Philly by myself. i'm sure one of these days i'll get mugged.
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