i then brought out the hookah, since manthan and brent were there i divided out the tasks. manthan packed the bowl while brent got water and i pretty much assembled everything. For some crazy entertainment i whipped up some bubble solution. i read some where that Dawn is the best soap to use but i can't be Ultra. But everything seems to be Ultra on the shelves these days. So i went ahead and used Palmolive. Another crazy thing to add to bubble solutions to make them stronger is glycerin. i spent like a day looking for glycerin and its impossible to find. All i could find at the pharmacy and food stores were glycerin suppositories...yeah, not really going to help me. i heard the next best thing is light corn syrup, but there is none of that in this house either so i just used a little bit of dark corn syrup.
For a bubble ring thingie i got a card board toilet roll. It worked pretty well. Something about bubbles and smoke, really entertaining. Just look at manthan's face. It's like he's seeing the coolest thing in the world.
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