Boy Meets Topanga
On Thursday wasn't sure if i was going to go into the city or not...i saw a flyer online that read "Bomb Your Finals With Topanga!" What?? Topanga from Boy Meets World?? i had to go, not because i was a huge Boy Meets World fan...only because i was really bored and it would be a good story.
i looked on the McFadden's website to see what the deal was. You just plug in some information and you get a call later making sure you're going to come and they put you on the VIP list. If you're on the VIP list there is no cover and its open bar for Miller Lite. Open Bar?! no cover?! Snap, sounds too good to be true.
Now i just have to find some one i could talk into going to this thing with. Joel had already gone to Seattle, John had plans with his lady friend, Ryan had a race the next day, Graham...doesn't have fun. All that was left was Rich.
Rich was a little hesitant to say he was going to go, but i pretty much told him we were going. i arrived at rich's around 8pm hoping he would be ready to bounce at 8:30 pm. Nope, he still had to clean the kitchen, take a super long shower, and do his hair. We didn't leave the house until a quarter after 9pm. We hoped on the subway to old city.
It was 9:40 when we got to McFadden's, and there was a line. A 30 minute line just to get in the bar...ridiculous. Rich then decided to complain why he came out, and said he didn't want to see please, everyone wants to see Topanga. While waiting, there were two bums asking the people in line for money. One of which was just out of his mind crazy. i could really tell this was going to be a good night. They always start with a crazy bum from my experience.
When we finally got into the door, sure enough our names were on the list and we didn't have to pay a cover, woot! But where was Topanga?! More importantly, where was the free Miller Lite?! Turned out there was not free miller lite because that would be ridiculous. They ended up being a dollar which is still a pretty good deal, so i was still happy with that.
After two beers i heard some chicks voice on the DJ's mic. It was her! Topanga! She hopped on the bar with some bottles of liquor and poured shots down everyone's throats that were in arms reach, of course i was one of those people. The first bottle was jager, i missed it, which you never see get given out at bars because they don't pour straight liquor. The next couple of bottles were your typical chick shots, about a 5th of the bottle of Banker's Club, some red syrup, and water. If the vodka is 40%, and it makes up 1/5 of the have shots of like 8% alcohol per volume as opposed to the jagermeister which is 35% alcohol.
Since Topanga was on the bar, all the girls in the bar as least as many that could if on it. One of the girls in front of me kicked the tap to the miller lite and it just poured beer for like 3 minutes. i wanted to close it because i hate seeing beer wasted, even if its miller lite, but didn't want to bartenders thinking i was trying to "steal" from them. What i should have done is laid under the tap with my mouth open and just drink until they pulled me away, but i didn't get my picture with Topanga yet so that wasn't an option...yet.
It was impossible to get near her, guys and girls were just swarming all over her making complete fools of themselves. Topanga was drinking like a champ though, she pounded her drinks like there were water.
Finally when rich and i were close enough to get Topanga's attention, Rich went made his move. rich is a good friend, and he knew i wanted my picture taken with i was certain he was asking her if i could get my picture taken...i was wrong, rich is a complete dick and made me take a picture of the two of them. Rich called her by her real name, Danielle, which was my idea and said something really lame along the lines of,"i had the biggest crush on you in high school"...please, even i could have come up with a better line than that. After all that i wasn't mad, i probably would have done the same thing.
After taking the picture i tried to get mine done, but once i took a step forward she disappeared into the sea of people, rats! She then popped up again at this tiny bar, so i made my way over there...Poof! i lost her again...i was just about to lose hope when all of sudden she appeared in front of me! "Danielle!" in my horse throat, i thought there was no way she would hear me...but she did! i then kindly asked her for a picture and rich took it. i then thanked her and we bounced. i felt kind of bad because i feel like i should have engaged in some kind of conversation before snapping a photo, but i'm sure she had met her quota talking to punk drunks...
Of course she looks like she is enjoying herself more in my picture than rich's. Probably because...she had more to drink by then. While walking, rich said some crazy stuff about wishing he could really just talk to Topanga. Like the would really hit it off and be good friends because they would really get along...Yeah rich, you and every other guy in the bar that night.
By the time we got to Market Street we were starving. We agreed on getting the best pizza in Philly, Soho. i owe manthan many thanks taking me to his place while being extremely diagnosed with the beer munchies. Of course its a brick oven pizza place so you know it has to be pretty good. They also don't go too crazy with the sauce which is a nice change.
When we got back to the house we weren't ready to go to bed just yet, i set up the hookah and hooked up the second nozzle i had brought for our first double hose experience. The flavors were orange and was amazing. Overall it was a good night and rich was glad he came out, mission accomplished.
1 comment:
Awwwwww - you and Topanga make such a cute couple! She definitely looks MUCH happier in your arms than Rich's.
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