After a couple hours at the cottage i decided to head over to Brent's. i walked into his place, and i almost vomited. It was dirty, really dirty. Trash everywhere, clothes all over the place, and the something new this time...the smell. This rotten smell was just lingering in the kitchen area and i had no idea what it was.
Since i was still in my cleaning phase or because i have a severe case of OCD...i started cleaning. First was the beer bottles, then the pizza boxes, next was everything else gross... i even separated the recyclables from the rest of the trash. i ended up filling 4 bags with trash and 2 with plastics and glass.
The next feat was the clothes that just layer all the furniture and floor. i hung up as much as i could until i ran out of hangers and chucked the rest in laundry baskets. It took me about 2 hours to get all that stuff done. All i had to do next was pledge the furniture and vacuum. But brent said i couldn't or else i'd wake up the baby...So i never finished that. i even cleaned the sink and counter tops...As for the smell, i didn't notice it anymore...until i opened the fridge.
If i could imagine the smell of the insides of a tauntaun, thats what this smell was. It was intoxicating i almost passed out. The worst part is that i still don't know what was making the smell, there was barely anything in the fridge. The compulsive aroma quickly consumed the entire apartment and we were forced to open the sliding door to try and air out as much as we could. Looks like i'll need some kind of breathing apparatus to take on the fridge next time i'm in the cleaning phase. i should have taken some before and after pictures but i did not have my camera on me. So i'll just post a picture of brent, at his finest.

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