While walking around Philly the other day, it was during Penn Relays so there were a bunch of vendors out trying to see their goods. There were like a million Caribbean soul food vendors dishing out all kind of fried food and jerked chicken. Anyway, it finally hit me...What is pink lemonade? Like seriously, i really have no idea where it comes from. Like are there magical pink lemons that grow in a magical forest that only appear to those that are deemed worthy...a diamond in the rough perhaps? (Aladdin reference)
i can't even remember the last time i had pink lemonade. Does it taste different than regular straight up lemonade? Lemonade is already delicious, why would you make it pink? i just don't get it. What keeps me from making green or blue lemonade? i guess magical green and blue lemons are hard to come by...but what if i got my hands on some? i could make millions...
Like did a circus boy really drop some cinnamon red candies in his lemonade batch and make it pink? What about Crystal light? How the heck do they get their powder pink lemonade? i guess i'll never know...
Seriously, what is Northumberland trying to pull here? those lemons are clearly yellow...i don't see any magical pink lemons in that picture...
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