Since there are no cute ducklings waddling around the back of the house, the goslings will have to do for now. The grass isn't good enough for them to eat, so they make their way all the way up to the house onto the patio to eat the weeds that have grown in between the tiles. Which is ridiculous because if the landscaper actually did the tile the right way, then there would not be plants and junx growing in the patio.
So because of the workmanship of the landscaper, i now have goose poop all over the patio like some kind of intoxicating poop mine field.
But i guess the goslings are kind of cute, even though they poop. Though i won't get near geese that have goslings. They're like a total different bird with babies. One tried to attack me in Philly when i was trying to free one of it's babies that had gotten stuck between the dock and ramp at the boat house, stupid birds.
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