Mother's Day
For Mother's Day we went to the best buffet ever. The Hong Kong King Buffet. They pretty much have everything and more, and its delicious. We had a big crowd, my moms sisters, brothers, and their spouses...and brent and his family, and julie's b/f ben. 15 peeps.Before we even sit down my mom had already gotten a plate with a massive crab on it. Those asians and their crab...they could eat their weight of it. i would eat crab but i'm just so lazy, can't they just pull the meat out of the shell for me? i guess not...Below is my first plate. i ended up only having 3 plates, i told myself nothing that was filling but i just had to have some lo mein, and those fried dumplings...ugh they get me every time.
Julie decided to try sushi for the first time, and failed. She didn't even get it near her mouth, so she just played with it instead...what a trooper.
Nothing in the buffet phased Ben, and here is ben...being ben...
Brent only got 3 plates in as well...we obviously didn't train enough for this outing to the Hong Kong King Buffet. i forgot that there is a reason its called King Buffet.
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