Friday, February 29, 2008

Clearing the Pino

Time for the fun chemicals to be added to the Pino Blanc. The specific gravity was 0.993. Probably will only get 11% alcohol with this batch. While mixing the chemicals and junx there was a lot of CO2 coming off, a lot more than the other batches. But i'm not bottling anytime soon so i won't have to worry about making champagne or explosive bottles of wine.

This one kid i know was bottling beer with his dad. They ran out of beer bottles so they decided to use Appletise (best apple soda ever) bottles. When he was putting the bottles in the fridge, the Appletise bottle exploded and a shard of glass went through his lip and chipped his tooth. Now that sounds horrible, but it was also two days before the Dive Trip to the Red Sea so he missed that...lemon.

Anyway, had manthan over to help out with the mixing. We're heading to Stowe, VT today. Should be a fun 8 hour bus least this time i'll be able to drink on the bus, woot!

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