Friday, January 4, 2008

Battle of the Yard

Despite it being extremely cold outside and the grass being dead...the Geese still walk all over the yard eating the grass. I'm even getting tired of loading my BB gun and shooting them. Okay, maybe not. That's impossible. But its just not as fun because they flea once I open the door and most of them get out of range by the time I pull the trigger.

I devised a way to the keep the grass safe, I'll just freeze the pond with an 'ice ray gun'. Of course I'll have build the 'ice ray gun', but with that I can freeze the bank of the pond an everyone knows geese and ducks don't walk on there will be no way for them to eat the grass in the yard!

Though it just cold super cold and fortunately I don't have to build an ice ray and nature will freeze the pond. So far it looks like I won't have to worry about the geese for awhile. : )

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