Saturday, January 19, 2008

You're Lucky, I'll Give You That

Sitting at my desk browsing the world wide web, suddenly i heard a bunch of racket in the ceiling. Couldn't have been someone upstairs, its a quarter after midnight everyone is in bed. Not really sure what it was, and i heard something scratching at the drop ceiling and dragging something...oh dear, i don't see the mouse traps on the desk. My dad must have set them up there.

i was sure i was hearing the last movements of Jax...i popped up one of the panels, and there's Jax...took me awhile to get him he was in the center of the next panel over. A closer look and he was still alive, the trap didn't snap his neck. The trap caught his side, got some of his leg too but when i release him he was running around just fine. One lucky mouse.
i guess that's a sign to keep him alive...for awhile. No idea what to do with him now, i've already named him and know he likes cheddar...and isn't crazy about peanut butter. Maybe he has some internal bleeding i don't know about and he'll just die later...maybe he like linguine...
Looks like the 1 Power Kill Rat Trap will have to wait for another day...

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